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This is Symbol Records introduction page with quick reference links. When it comes to Clint-Love material you want the digital. We're selling official site digital albums and tracks. Go to the big digital distributors links at the bottom of the page footer, why not? But come to us for the love of official site and content the major distributors don't carry of our Artist Clint-Love. The Menu tab has links to Amazon Symbol Records physical copy Novels-Books online store to purchase books (Story Books)- Real life relating stories of Crime -Mystery-Romance-That Clint-Love appears in. We have love scenes in all of our Novels. Sign in become a member to listen to full Clint-Love official website tracks for free. Become a paid member to download digital music and really be part of Symbol Records Fan Base. Site menu-Blogs- New Clint-Love Albums- Discount Albums- Instrumentals- Celebrity news- Author A.C.S. Books & Novels store direct link- Welcome to Symbol Records & Entertainment, the digital music discount site made for worldwide die-hard fans of Clint-Love San Francisco/Oakland California. Sign up and enjoy browsing Symbol Records & Entertainment. Symbol Records specializing in Selling Digital audio and Novels-Fiction based on Real stories.-Help us promote Clint-Love by telling a friend/ a c0-worker are neighbor about "The All Clint-Love Website, with over ninety Albums and Instrumentals for the Fans and Lovers of his Style. Share our site if that's all you can do for Clint-Love and Author A.C.S.

When you're ready, tips are much appreciated!
Album Myth
Album Fat backdoorin ya sons (Behind the Microphone)
Album DJ Snetch Lying to herself Vol. 3
Album Re-boot
Album Here I come again
Album DJ Snetch website hits Vol. 4
Album Let the hustlers play (model)
Album Symbol Records & Entertainment Studio Session Freestyles
Album DJ Snetch The Noisey storm Vol. 5
Clint-Love is also a Movie Star! A list of books scripted for the movies Clint-Love has been in 1. Standing up to wicked 2. EEktron Gamble...The Cloning: Clint-Love 3. Clint-Love, Blogs, Books within Book... By the Author A.C.S.: The Uncatchable Rapist (Click Turnputer) Volume 1-4
About Author Albert Clint Simms Known by Symbol Records as A.C.S. (Executive Producer)
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